Claire Vogt: A forgotten talented daughter

Claire Vogt By studying the writings and biographies dedicated to Cécile and Oskar Vogt, we could not find any news about Claire: the first daughter of Cécile Vogt. The numerous biographical articles, obituaries and the monograph by Igor Klatzo, which trace the life and works of the Vogts, emphasize the professional success and quality of […]

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Maria Manasseina: il sonno non è assenza di attività cerebrale

La nascita dell’elettroencefalografia (EEG) applicata all’uomo risale agli anni 20 del secolo scorso, quando Hans Berger per primo misurò una differenza di potenziale tra due elettrodi posti sullo scalpo. Negli anni successivi, la strumentazione fu perfezionata sempre più e, nel 1953, Aserinsky e Kleitman descrissero per la prima volta la fase REM del sonno.  Prima

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Maria Manasseina: sleep is not the absence of brain activity

The birth of electroencephalography (EEG) applied to humans dates back to the 1920s, when Hans Berger for the first time measured the difference in electrical potential between two electrodes placed on the scalp. In the following years, the instrumentation was perfected more and more, and in 1953, Aserinsky and Kleitman described the REM sleep phase

Maria Manasseina: sleep is not the absence of brain activity Read More »

Le scienziate al tempo della pandemia da coronavirus Covid-19

In questi giorni di crisi dovuta alla pandemia da coronavirus Covid-19 sentiamo parlare eminenti biologi, virologi, dottori, per la maggior parte dei casi tutti uomini. Ma le donne? Non ci sono donne esperte nel campo della virologia? Della biologia? In Italia il centro di cura e ricerca delle malattie infettive di riferimento a livello nazionale

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Women scientists at the time of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic

In these days of crisis due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic we listen the words of eminent biologists, virologists, doctors, the most part of them are all men. But the women? Are there no experts women in the field of virology? Biology? In Italy, the national treatment and research center for infectious diseases is the

Women scientists at the time of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic Read More »

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