
Anna Berliner and her approach to Japanese culture

Anna Berliner and her approach to Japanese culture Chantal Weber Department of Japanese Studies, University of Cologne, Germany Introduction: Historical background In the Meiji period (1868-1912), following the feudal era, Japan invited Western experts (oyatoi gaikokujin お雇い外国人) to bring their knowledge in various academic fields like medicine, geography, law and military. Those experts from Europe […]

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Three of our pioneers on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

In the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, our thinking goes to three our pioneers: Anna Meyer Berliner and Lina Solomonova Stern (Shtern), both Jewish, and Cécile Mugnier Vogt, although she was not Jewish, the rise to power of the Nazi party had repercussions on her work. Anna Meyer Berliner was the first and only woman to

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