
“There have to be many more of us around,” Marguerite Vogt said referring to women in science. ”Maybe then it will be hard to ignore us.”
Febraury 26, 2020: Silvia De Marchi day
On February 26, 2020, within the celebrations of the Hundred Years of Psychology in Padua and in Italy, we should have celebrated Silvia De Marchi, a pioneer of experimental psychology who died prematurely. A day in the city where she worked, at the University of Padua, with exceptional participants including her granddaughter, the mathematician Leila Schneps. Unfortunately, the event was canceled due to the covid-19 pandemic. It seems that bad luck is raging on this exceptional woman.
“Silvia had no much luck and the “compensation” that you have assured her, helps me to feel at peace.” The words are of her son, Riccardo Musatti.
Read our post abot the meeting with Riccardo Musatti.
October 15, 2019: the 160th anniversary of Augusta Dejerine-Klumpke's birth
On 2019 October 15th, we celebrated the birth of Augusta Dejerine Klumpke and her pioneer work at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière – Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière in Paris, with the patronage of the FENS – Federation of European Neuroscience Societies.
This event brouth together historians, neuroscientists, and representatives of women scientists associations and it is the result of an excellent collaboration between Italy and France.
The day of the celebration was divided into two parts: in the morning there were two symposia dedicated to the presentation of the life and works of Augusta in her historical and scientific context; in the afternoon there was an exhibition of two original clinical cases from the Dejerine collection, together with some objects belonging to the Dejerine Klumpke family.
The conference offered students and researchers the opportunity to learn about the value of a pioneer woman in neuroscience, raised in a single-parent family, immigrated from the United States to Europe in the late 1800s. It also gave a chance to see some original materials from the extraordinary Dejerine Collection.
The history of Augusta can be a strong message for women who still struggle to stay in scientific careers, and can also be a spur to the scientific community to celebrate pioneer women in the most important research institutions.
Read more on this post.

Thanks to ICM, Sorbonne University, and FENS for making this extraordinary event possible.
A special thanks goes to our dear friends: director Williams A. Lamattina, and his assistants for a day, Vincenzo Mele and Sami Schiff.
September 21, 2018: meeting of the Italian Association of Psychology
We have been invited to tell the stories of our Pioneers at a meeting of the Italian Association of Psychology in Rome.
Thanks AIP!

the program shared this information:
“On that day we will have the opportunity to listen to the presentations of young research doctors for the traditional AIP award. Subsequently, we will have the scientific contribution of Magda Jordão (Universidade de Coimbra), winner of the Cognitive Science Arena 2018. In the afternoon, Tiziana Metitieri and Sonia Mele will talk to us about the project “The Women Pioneers of Neuroscience in Europe”, in addition, the new AIP working group will be presented which deals with forensic psychology.”
June 22, 2018: In Paris, on the trails of Augusta Dejerine-Klumpke
We had the extraordinary opportunity to visit the Dejerine Collection in Paris which is currently closed to the public. Daniela Guzzon (soundtrack vocalist of our documentary ) accompanied us on the journey. A warm thank to Annalisa Plaitano, for all her guidance and assistance in the investigation of original materials of Augusta Dejerine-Klumpke.
You can see some pictures of Dejerine Collection documents in the slide show. And a simpatic video of journey.
March 8, 2018: Women's Day
We started to spread our project on March 8, 2018: on the occasion of the women’s day, the girls were invited to Cagliari (IT) and Montecchio (Vicenza, IT)
Tiziana went to Cagliari.
A splendid welcome and a packed hall at the “De Sanctis-Deledda” Higher Education Institute, Cagliari:
to remember the pioneers of neuroscience Anna Meyer Berliner and Cécile Mugnier-Vogt.
Thanks to ACIT-Italian-German Culture Association
and ScienzaSocietàScienza Association
Sonia went to Montecchio.
Wonderful welcome in Montecchio Maggiore VI to remember the pioneers of neuroscience.
A special evening in memory of many neuroscientists, with talks, in addition to mine, by the students of “Leonardo Da Vinci” scientific high schools in Arzignano and the Committee8March.
In addition, we were cheered by the splendid voice of Bibi Milanese and by the guitar of Davide Zambon.
Thanks Committee 8 March!